VideoCopilot All Tutorials After Effect

VideoCopilot All Tutorials

جميع دروس الشركة الإحترافية VideoCopilot في الأفتر إفكت

حجم الكورس : 9.6 GB
جودة الفيديو : 720p

محتوى الكورس من الموقع الرسمي VideoCopilot  : 

بعض الصور للكورس :

قائمة الدروس :

01. Basic Sky Replacement 
02. Deinterlacing in AE 
03. Old-Film Effect 
04. Introduction to After Effects 
05. Camera Shake with the Wiggler 
06. 3D Compositing Basics 
07. Advanced Blemish Removal 
08. Text Blur Title Effect 
09. Speed ​​Up After Effects with Proxies 
10. Basic Color Keying 
11. Introduction to HDRI & 32bpc 
12. Fast & Elegant SlideShows 
13. Assisted Suicide 
14. Simple Bleach Bypass 
15. Simulating Depth of Field 
16. Creating a Flip-Book Effect 
17. 3D Reflections in After Effects 
18. Light Streaks 
19. Frame Rate Converter 
20. Light Sabers Version 1 & Version 2 
21. Simulated Light Effects 
22. Fun with Ink Spatter 
23. Moving 3D Lines 
24. Blood Splattering on a Tree! 
25. Light Streaks Again?! 
26. EarthQuake Control in 32bpc! 
27. Create a Cool 3D Room with nice title! 
28. Animate Realistic Gun Blow Back 
29. 300-like Speed ​​Ramps & More! 
30. 3D Stroke Effect with no Plug-in 
31. 3D Reflections with Refraction! 
32. Create a 3D Ocean 
33. Graffiti Writing 
34. Fly By Titles 
35. Jumpy Text 
36. Time Freeze 
37. 3D Camera Projection 
38. 3D Camera Projection 2 
39. 3D Vanishing Point 
40. Earth Zoom 
41. The Blue Planet 
42. Advanced Sky Replacement 
43. Demon Face Warp 
44. Day to Night Conversion 
45. Set Extensions 
46. Virtual 3D Photos 
47. Audio to Animation 
47.5. 3D Text in 3DS Max 
47.6. 3D Titles in Cinema 4D! 
48. P1, P2, P3. Medical Zoom 01-03 
48. P4. Riot Gear Promo Title 
49. Magic Glass 
50. Skin Displacement 
51. Evolution Preview 
52. Dead Planet 
53. Planet Explosion 
54. Advanced Camera Tips 
55. Eye Replacement 
56. 3D Eyeball 
57. Water Drops 
58. Fancy Title Plate 
59. Frosty Breath 
60. The Healer 
61. Growing 3D Vines 
62. Colorful Universe 
63. Smoke Screen 
64. Stabilize Shaky Footage 
65. AE Bump Maps 
66. 3D Sparks Title 
67. Advanced Car Hit 
68. Energy 
69. 3D Offset 
70. Speed ​​Particles 
71. 3D Shadows 
72. Meteor Crash 3D p1 
73. Meteor Crash AE p2 
74. 3D-Crater p1 (Boujou) 
75. 3D-Crater p2 (3DS MAX) 
76. 3D-Crater p3 (AE) 
77. Soul Removal 
78. Energy Wipe 
79. Organic Mesh in 3D Max 
80. 3D Falloff 
81. Spin Orbs 
82. Energetic Titles 
83. Presets & More 
84. Futuristic HUD 
85. The Ring 
86. Fracture Design 
87. 3D City 
88. Disintegration 
89. Soft Shadows 3Dmax 
90. Ancient Titles 
91. DVD Authoring 
92. Blueprint Reveal 
93. 3D Light Casting 
94. Particle Explosion 
95. Scene Re-Lighting 
96. Submerged 
97. Strike lightning 
97_P2. Lightning Explosion Part 2 
98. Reflection Plug-in 
99. Dynamic Bar Graphs 
100. Glass Orbs 
101. Sure Target 2 
102. Smoke Trails 
103. 3D Ball Dispersion 
104. Shatterize 
105. 3D Ledge 
106. Animating a Still 
107. Green Smoke 
108. Particle Shadows 
109. Advanced Time Freeze 
110. Depth Charge 
111. Blast Wave 
112. Magic Tracking 
113. Light Glow 
114. Stroke FX 
115. Galactic Orb 
116. Procedural Crumble 
117. Trim Compose Script 
118. 3D Set Extensions 
119. Demon Cam: Inside Look 
120. The Portal 
121. Advanced Soft Keying 
122. Epic Shatter 
123. Dynamic Machine Gun 
124. Magical Hits 
125. Grenade Throw 
126. Mid-Air Emergency! 
127. The Jungle 
128. Element Animation Engine 
129. Biohazard Logo 
130. 3D Replicator 
131. 3D Truck Composite 
132. Alien Surface 
133. Depth Compositing 
134. Screen Animations 
135. Simulated Scopes 
136. Metro City 
137. Explosive Training!
138. Simple Car Rig 139.
Translucent Glass 140.
 Sub Surface Skin 141.
Typewriter Keys Logo 142.
 BTS: Star Trek Titles 143.
 Advanced Spin FX 144
Flight Control 145
. Missile Launch!

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