Lynda - Responsive CSS with SASS and compass

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الإسم Lynda - Responsive CSS with SASS and compass
نبدة عن الكورس إظهار / إخفاء نبدة الكورس
Using a framework helps simplify your workflow and makes writing CSS fun again. Learn how Compass (powered by Sass) can help you build responsive layouts that are easier, faster, and more compatible than using CSS alone. In this course, Ray Villalobos shows how to automate your workflow with Grunt.js, scaffold your HTML, modularize your Sass with partials, and get started styling with variables and mixins. Plus, learn how to create a mobile-first grid with Susy—without adding nonsemantic HTML markup. What are Sass and Compass? Adding version control Setting up a workflow with Grunt.js Modularizing your Sass with partials Creating a color palette with variables Using Compass mixins Creating a mobile-first layout Creating media-query breakpoints with Susy Designing a responsive grid with Susy
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دقة الفيديوهات 720 HD
الحجم 593.71 MB
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