معلومات تحميل الملف
الإسم | lynda Up and Running with WebMatrix and ASP.NET |
نبدة عن الكورس |
إظهار / إخفاء نبدة الكورس
With the web development tool WebMatrix, you can create a dynamic web site that integrates HTML, CSS, and ASP.NET. In this course, author Jess Chadwick explains the basics of creating a site, working with built-in templates, incorporating dynamic logic, and creating a consistent site style. The course also covers how to code with Razor syntax, easily manage data, and use web forms to gather data. Tutorials on security and caching are also included.
Topics include:
Exploring the WebMatrix integrated development environment
Inspecting the server environment
Installing WordPress, Joomla! and nopCommerce templates
Declaring and using variables and collections of values
Using helper methods
Creating a content page that uses a layout file
Adding sections of content
Creating reusable components
Integrating social media with the Web Helpers Library
Displaying data in a grid or chart
Using CAPTCHA to protect forms
Executing code before every page loads
Configuring an email server and sending email
Allowing users to create accounts and log in
Caching data, pages, and resources in the browser to increase speed
Adding live site analysis with Google Analytics
Deploying a web site
اللغة | الإنجليزية |
المدة | 2h 7m |
دقة الفيديوهات | HD 720p |
الحجم | 957 MB |
نوع التحميل | ملف تورنت (التورنت غير آمن ماهاذا ؟ ) |
الموقع الرسمي | إضغط هنا |
شارك مع الآخرين |
( لماذا الروابط مختصرة ؟ ) ( التبليغ عن الروابط المحذوف ! )
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باسورد فك الضغط : mega-course.com
dropbox ~ Gulfup
باسورد فك الضغط : mega-course.com
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