معلومات تحميل الملف
الإسم | Lynda - Creating Icons with Photoshop with Justin Seeley |
نبدة عن الكورس |
إظهار / إخفاء نبدة الكورس
An effective icon design conveys a lot of information in a small space. If you need to create a great custom icon and you have a copy of Photoshop, this is the course for you. First, discover how file format and size, viewpoint, and platform shape your design choices. Then author Justin Seeley will show you how to decide on the scope of your set, sketch out your designs, and choose a color scheme and style. Next, you'll import your drawings into Photoshop and turn them into rescalable shape layers, complete with color and detail. Finally, learn how to export icons in the correct file formats for use on the web, in print, and on different operating systems (Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android). Along the way, Justin introduces challenges to test your knowledge, and some additional tools to help speed up your design workflow.
Topics include:
Exploring file formats, sizes, perspective, and platform guidelines
Choosing an icon style
Creating sketches and assigning color schemes
Building a grid system for icons
Redrawing icons with shapes
Saving icons
Generating icons for different operating systems
اللغة | English |
المدة | 2h 1m |
دقة الفيديوهات | 720 HD |
الحجم | 337.19 MB |
نوع التحميل | ملف تورنت (التورنت غير آمن ماهاذا ؟ ) |
الموقع الرسمي | إضغط هنا |
شارك مع الآخرين |
( لماذا الروابط مختصرة ؟ ) ( التبليغ عن الروابط المحذوف ! )
باسورد فك الضغط : mega-course.com
باسورد فك الضغط : mega-course.com
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