Lynda - Up and Running with Bootstrap 3

معلومات تحميل الملف

الإسم Lynda - Up and Running with Bootstrap 3
نبدة عن الكورس إظهار / إخفاء نبدة الكورس
Meet Bootstrap, the one-stop shop for designing sleek, mobile-ready websites with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. It's an open-source, responsive design framework, featuring a grid-based layout system, web-ready icons you can incorporate into your designs, fully functional navigation, and much more. Join Jen Kramer for a quick overview of all of the goodies in Bootstrap, and then learn how to customize the grid, override the CSS to customize your site, and leverage Bootstrap's stylish built-in JavaScript effects. Once you're prepared to test your knowledge, you can take the hands-on challenges offered by Jen. Topics include: Downloading and installing Bootstrap Understanding the Bootstrap file structure Exploring the 12-column grid Changing column width and order Styling buttons, images, and tables Overriding core CSS Creating a thumbnail gallery Adding JavaScript effects, like dropdown menus, tabs, accordions, and more
اللغة english
المدة 3h 21m
دقة الفيديوهات 720 HD
الحجم 653.16 MB
نوع التحميل ملف تورنت (التورنت غير آمن ماهاذا ؟ )
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